Why Do Baby Teeth Sometimes Grow in Crooked, and What Can We Do About It?

Remember how exciting it was when your baby teeth wiggled, and then one day, they finally fell out? It was a big deal! Those little pearls were replaced by new, bigger teeth that help us eat our favorite foods like crunchy apples or sweet corn on the cob. 

But did you ever notice that some of these baby teeth didn't grow in straight, but a bit crooked? It might seem strange, and as a parent, you might feel worried. If that's the case, you're in the right place. 

In this blog post, we're going to explore why baby teeth sometimes grow in crooked and discuss solutions to help set your mind at ease. It's an adventure into the world of tiny teeth!


Let's begin with understanding why those cute baby teeth sometimes grow in a little crooked. It's kind of like when you're putting away toys into a toy box that's already full. Can every toy fit perfectly? Not always. They need a bit of jiggling and wiggling to find their place. That's pretty much what happens in your child's mouth.

When their first teeth are sprouting, their tiny mouths may not have a lot of room. As a result, new teeth might have to squeeze into tight spots, making them appear somewhat crooked. It might seem alarming, but it's usually nothing to stress about.

As your child grows bigger, their mouth also grows and makes more room for the bigger teeth. When these big kid teeth start to replace baby teeth, they often find more space and straighten out naturally. So, those wiggly, crooked baby teeth might just be a temporary phase in your child's exciting journey of growth and development.


Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, "I have my mom's eyes," or "I have my dad's smile"? It's a fun thought, isn't it? Now, what if I told you that your teeth can be like that, too? Yes, indeed! Just as you may share your mom's hair color or your dad's ear shape, you can also share how their teeth look.

This happens because of something very special called "genes." Genes are like secret recipes that tell your body how to grow. So, if your mom or dad had baby teeth that grew in a little crooked, it's possible that your child's teeth might do the same.

But here's the good news! Even if your child's teeth follow this pattern, it doesn't mean they will stay crooked forever. There are lots of strategies and solutions that can help their teeth grow in straight. So, don't worry! We're here to help guide you through this toothy journey.


Keeping teeth healthy and straight is a lot about forming good habits early on. Similar to how consuming too many sweets can upset your stomach, certain habits can also influence the growth of your child's teeth. If your child has a prolonged habit of sucking their thumb or using a pacifier, it may lead to crooked teeth.

Other practices, like persistently pushing the tongue against teeth or habitually breathing through the mouth instead of the nose, can impact teeth alignment too. And then, there's the role of oral hygiene. Without regular brushing and flossing, teeth can develop cavities. If a tooth is lost prematurely due to decay, other teeth might shift into its place, leading to them becoming crooked. Fostering good dental habits early is crucial for maintaining your child's dental health!


Losing a tooth is an exciting milestone in a child's life! It's thrilling to see that little tooth wobble and then finally fall out. But what if a baby tooth decides to take an early exit? Well, that might cause a bit of a mix-up in your child's mouth.

Imagine your child's teeth as a line of friends waiting to get on a roller coaster. If one friend leaves the line too early, the others may shift to fill that open spot. This is what can happen with your child's teeth. If a baby tooth falls out too early, the neighboring teeth may slide into that vacant spot.

This shift can change the path of the new, big kid teeth when they're ready to appear. Instead of growing straight into their own spot, they might come in a little crooked because their spot has been taken. This is why it's so important to keep baby teeth healthy and in place until the big kid teeth are ready to come in!


Every kid's mouth and jaw are different. Some may have a jaw a bit smaller, or shaped not quite like others. This can make their teeth appear to be crooked. Other times, your kid's grown-up teeth might be stubborn or not appear at all, making their baby teeth look not straight. It's nothing to fret over though! 

Dentists and orthodontists (special dentists who help align teeth) know lots about this. They are ready and able to make your child's smile the best it can be. So, you don't need to worry, they have the knowledge and skills to handle these toothy troubles!


The reassuring news is, yes, crooked baby teeth can often be fixed. Sometimes, they even straighten themselves out when the big kid teeth start to show up. But if a child's teeth are really not straight, don't fret! An orthodontist, can come to the rescue. They possess a variety of tools and clever ways to nudge teeth into their correct position.

Having strong teeth is a big piece of overall health. Simple habits like brushing and flossing, as well as munching on wholesome foods, can contribute greatly to strengthening those tiny chompers. Also, taking your child for regular dentist visits can ensure their teeth are developing properly. Remember, it's completely okay that everyone's teeth are different!

Here at Just 4 kiDDS Dentistry For Children in Idaho, we're committed to nurturing the healthiest, most cheerful smiles. If your child's teeth have been on your mind, or if it's time for a routine check-up, don't hesitate to visit us. We are excited and looking forward to meeting you and your child. We promise to make your visit enjoyable and stress-free!