

When do children need a crown?

Crowns are the best option to protect teeth after significant or recurrent decay. Large fillings are at risk for cracking due to grinding and wear overtime. The benefit of crowns is the tooth is protected on all surfaces from new decay. They also hold up long term.


Types of Crowns

Ceramic Crowns

Pediatric Ceramic crowns are an excellent option in the right situation. The crowns have great longevity and provide a great aesthetic option. Ceramic crowns are colored like teeth, blending the crown into the smile.

Stainless Steel Crowns

Stainless steel crowns are affordable and durable. They’re perfect for baby teeth and can work well for adult teeth too. They’re unlikely to crack under pressure and last years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it painful to get a crown placed?

Your child may feel sore after getting their crown placed, but this soreness will subside after a day or so. This soreness can be caused by the removal of decay or the gums getting used to the new crown after the local anesthetic wears off.

How do you care for a dental crown?

Dental crowns need to be flossed and brushed regularly, taking special care to the gumline. Check the condition of the crown for cracks, parts of the crown that are not level, and if the crown easily lifts up. If the crown is unstable or cracked, schedule an appointment to get it replaced as soon as possible. Food and bacteria trapped underneath a cracked or wiggly crown can cause further decay, leading to abcess.

How can my child avoid developing cavities?

A factor to consider when trying to avoid developing cavities is diet. Children who,"graze" or snack on foods high in carbohydrates as well as drinking sugary liquids are more cavity prone. Great dental hygiene starts at home with daily brushing and flossing. If your child is young, they'll need help to brush their teeth as their dexterity to brush properly develops. Make a plan with your child to brush their teeth at night and for your child to brush their teeth in the morning. Every 6 months, make sure your child makes it to their dental cleanings and exams.

Why are children at a high risk to develop cavities?

Children are high risk to develop cavities if they are exposed to sugary beverages frequently thought the day. The same goes for the childeren who snack thourghout the day with foods high in carbohydrates. Bottles and sippy cups being used at naptime or bed time with anyhting other than water can also increase their likelihood to develop cavities.

Does my child have a cavity?

A tooth can be discolored for many reasons, so while not every discoloration will be a cavity, it's important to have your child seen. Cavities grow quickly and are accelerated with low dental hygiene and acidic/sugary foods. Cavities cannot heal on their own because the enamel does not grow back like skin or muscles would. If you're suspicious that your child has a cavity, schedule an appointment with us today.

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