Braces and Orthodontics


Does my child need orthodontic care?

Orthodontic intervention can prevent many issues. Braces are designed to not only straighten rotated or misaligned teeth but also correct a child’s bite and tooth function.


What are common signs that my child will need braces?

To speak and chew, we depend on our teeth touching where they’re supposed to. If your child has developed a malocclusion, which is a misaligned bite due to crooked teeth, they’re an excellent candidate for orthodontic treatment. This can look like:

  • Misaligned bite

  • Overcrowding

  • Uneven spaced teeth

  • Missing teeth

  • Overbite or Underbite

  • Open bite

  • Issues affecting the basis function to eat and talk

Braces use pressure over time to move teeth into their proper places to improve speech, chewing, and look great. If you’re concerned that your child’s teeth are crooked, make an appointment with us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do braces hurt?

Braces move teeth with pressure over a long period of time. The initial placing of braces and each time they're tightened can make teeth sore for a few days while the mouth adjusts to the new pressure. A little bit of tylenol and avoiding tough foods will make the first few days easier, but this soreness does not last forever. The mouth will feel back to normal within a day or two after.

How should my child care for their teeth with braces?

Braces can make it trickier to brush teeth well, but it's so important to have great dental hygiene throughout orthodontic treatment. If your child allows for plaque to build up, when the brackets are removed, they may find staining around where the brackets sat. Flossing also becomes extremely important as food can get caught between the wires. Special floss with a threaded end comes in handy throughout the entire treatment. Ensure that your child has the tools they need for great dental hygiene throughout their treatment and be sure they make it to their 6 month dental cleanings. Another important factor to consider is having your child limit thier sugary liquid intake as well as avoiding sticky foods and candy.

If my child has braces, do I still need to schedule a 6 month dental cleaning?

While you may feel that monthly or bi-monthly appointments with the orthodontist are enough, your child still needs to see a dentist every 6 months for their regular cleaning and exam. Children with braces are more likely to develop cavities because food can get stuck in the brackets and wiring. To keep an eye on cavities and other dental needs, you'll still need to schedule a 6 month appointment with their regular dentist.

My child lost their retainer, what do I do?

If your child has misplaced or broken their retainer, give us a call as soon as you can. We will need to schedule an appointment to take a new impression and have a new retainer made.The longer your child does not have their retainer, the more likely the work completed by the orthodontic treatment can relapse.

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